Each year members of Sigma Delta Pi construct events that are not only fun, but also helping the community. All of the events ALWAYS bring smiles and loads of happiness. Check out what we have been up to in the past couple of years!
Festival of ISU August 2017
Illinois State Homecoming Parade, October 2017
STATE YOUR LANGUAGE T-Shirts and sweaters
El Día de los Muertos – The Children’s Discovery
Museum, Normal Illinois
Conversation Hour for High School students Conversation Hour for High School students
Unit 5 School Administration and Sigma Delta Pi, Skyward/Teacher ease Workshops
Puppet show at Illinois Wesleyan University Language School for Kids
Pintxos y Pinceles
Fiesta de despedida

Fall 2015
ISU Parade
2nd Hispanic Film Festival
Bake Sale – Active Feet Fundraiser –Spanish Club
College Mentors for Kids
CDM-dia de los muertos
State your language T-shirts
Spring 2016
Languages Kick off party
(tele)Novelas y café
Benjamin elem. Twister de colores
Unity events
Basque club – taller de pintxos

Fall 2015
ISU Parade
2nd Hispanic Film Festival
Bake Sale – Active Feet Fundraiser –Spanish Club
College Mentors for Kids
CDM-dia de los muertos
State your language T-shirts
Spring 2016
Languages Kick off party
(tele)Novelas y café
Benjamin elem. Twister de colores
Unity events
Basque club – taller de pintxos


Celebrating the New Wave of Ibero/Latino American Cinema
The Eta Upsilon chapter of Sigma Delta Pi at Illinois State University brought the first ever Spanish Film Festival to the university sponsored by Pragda’s Spanish Film Club.​​

Illinois State Homecoming Parade, October 2014
Eta Upsilon participated in the Illinois State University Homecoming Parade. The Chapter joined Pi Delta Phi, French Honor Society, French Club, Italian Club, Brazilian Club and Spanish Club.

The Board came up with the idea to bring to our Languages Department t-shirts. We received approval from our Chair and all the necessary departments within the university to sell t-shirts.

Bake Sale. Dia de los muertos
Eta Upsilon decided to help with the Dean of Student’s event “Coins for Change” which helps local community organizations. We baked over 200 cookies in the shape of Calaveras.

Children’s Discovery Museum, Normal Illinois El Día de los Muertos
2nd annual The event is spearheaded by the Children’s Discovery Museum, however, all the educational and pedagogical aspects of the event were led by the Sigma Delta Pi members to both Hispanic and non-Hispanic families. calaveras, cempasuchils, calacas, papel picado, and decorated sugar skulls. The Eta Upsilon chapter also held a bilingual reading session to learn about el día de los muertos.

Puppet Show, El Ratón Pérez
This year we were able to take our puppet show (ACT) on the road! We performed at different schools in the community such as Epiphany Elem. School and Chesterbrook Academy, ISU’s College Mentors for Kids.

Normal Community High School Honor Society Induction
It has been a goal of the Eta Upsilon chapter of Sigma Delta Pi to create ties with the high schools. Our chapter was invited to attend ceremony of the high school chapter of the National Spanish Honor Society at Normal Community.
Cuentos y Café.
Eta Upsilon created a space for students to attend, read, and enjoy short stories in Spanish. students read the short story, “La noche boca arriba” by Julio Cortázar.
National Sigma Delta Pi
Photo Contest
We won this award in 2013 and 2014, so we had imposed high expectations for ourselves as we entered the competition. We chose to recreate the famous painting by Diego Velazquez, Las Meninas. Our photo was awarded runner-up in the “like” competition on Facebook for the 2015 National SDP Photo Contest.

Eta Upsilon participated for the first time in the Illinois State University Homecoming Parade. The Chapter joined Pi Delta Phi, French Honor Society, French Club and Spanish Club. All the Languages Clubs and Societies members gave candy to the spectators.

El Día de los Muertos – children’s discovery musuem
1st annual The event is spearheaded by the Children’s Discovery Museum, however, all the educational and pedagogical aspects of the event were led by the Sigma Delta Pi members to both Hispanic and non-Hispanic families. calaveras, cempasuchils, calacas, papel picado, and decorated sugar skulls. The Eta Upsilon chapter also held a bilingual reading session to learn about el día de los muertos.

Tornado Victims
On November 17, 2013, a tornado ripped through central Illinois Member Heather Carnahan, originally from Pekin, IL, saw the immediate need in the community and rallied the Eta Upsilon chapter together to donate to the victims. We placed donation boxes and helped “stuff the bus” for Illinois State University’s collection drive. In total, we donated about 100 pounds of needed items!

Oopsilon Teddy Bears
Our Chapter wanted to give back to the community this holiday season. we raised $200.00. and went to The Children’s Hospital of Illinois located in Peoria, IL The members that purchased teddy bears to give to the children. On December 15, 2013, members had the bittersweet opportunity to give the bears to the children. To bring some cheer to the children, we sang Christmas carols in both Spanish and English. We donated sixty-four bears that day (all the beds were full) and left more for children to come..

College Mentors for Kids
​ISU’s College Mentors for Kids contacted our chapter to visit classes three times throughout the semester with different Spanish activities included: animals, food, and a cultural lesson about the difference between the tooth fairy and el Ratón Pérez.

World Language Day
March 1, 2014
At the Children’s Discovery Museum invited Sigma Delta Pi to collaborated with other language organizations and students in the department to make this event a successful the children received a passport and participated in an areas like making masks for Mardi Gras, memory game with German words, studied Chinese characters, Italian bilingual reading , Brazilian Club showed dance moves and Sigma Delta Pi brought “twister de colores” for the children to practice colors and body parts in Spanish

Benjamin Carnival
April 11, 2014
Benjamin elementary school reached out to our chapter for the second time to participate in the fourth annual carnival event. Last year’s twister de colores was such a success that the PTO Committee could not foresee their carnival without our participation. It was a fun night for the children encouraging the learning of the Spanish using twister de colores games created by the SDP members. The games introduced vocabulary words such as colors, body parts, and directions in the Spanish language.
Dr. Seuss’ Birthday
Eta Upsilon recognized Dr. Seuss’ 110th birthday. Sigma member Alejandra Villalobos participated in United Way’s bilingual reading program by reading a Dr. Seuss book in Spanish to a third grade classroom at a local elementary school. The theme of the discussion was appreciating diversity and recognizing individual talents.

Arbor Day. Planting Languages Roots – April, 2013.
Sigma Delta Pi and Pi Delta Phi enjoyed working together in the Leadership Project Grant that both executive boards decided to have another joint event. This time the societies ask for donations from the faculty member of Spanish and French and purchased 10 trees form the Arbor Day Foundation. Both organizations decided to plant the trees at Benjamin Elem. School. This elementary school is only three years old and lacking shade for students. The future plan of both societies is to visit the trees every year on Arbor Day and record the growth of the “knowledge trees.”

Habitat for Humanity
The Power of the Association of College Honor Societies to Make a Difference A Chapter Leadership Project April, 2013. Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish Honor Society), Pi Delta Phi (French Honor Society), and Habitat for Humanity joined forces as well as manpower to paint houses/sheds for the purpose of Prosperity, which is one of the Seven Wonders of the Socially Responsible World in that it would be able to provide safe shelter for families in need

Donation of 92 books for Unity Community Center. Fall 2013
Unity Community Center, an Extension of University of Illinois, is a multicultural Out of School Time center that provides programming for youth of families with limited resources. As an Out of School Time site, UNITY offers a positive, structured learning environment for youth 5-18 years old. Many Sigma Delta Pi members volunteer their time helping Hispanic students succeeded in their academic careers.

OPI PRESENTATION by Dr. Mir – April, 2013
During the spring semester, we held an academic event for teacher-education students about Spanish Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). This is a challenging oral examination in Spanish that all foreign language teacher candidates at Illinois State University must excel in. Dr. Mir, a professor who also acts as a grader for this exam, presented helpful information and tips for students

National Foreign Language Week, March 3-10, 2013.
During the spring semester, we held an academic event for teacher-education students about Spanish Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). This is a challenging oral examination in Spanish that all foreign language teacher candidates at Illinois State University must excel in. Dr. Mir, a professor who also acts as a grader for this exam, presented helpful information and tips for students

Picasso Exhibition, Chicago, May 2013
As end of semester event the Chapter was fortunate to be able to drive to Chicago and see the Picasso Exhibition at the Art Institute. After the magnificent tour we also visited the famous “Bean” at the Millennium Park
This year we held informational meetings regarding the benefits, activities, and requirements of being inducted into Sigma Delta Pi. We started with a few recreational activities. For example, as a group we watched the film “Bajo la misma luna” and discussed the polemic issue of illegal immigration and its influences in U.S. society today. We also met for lunch in Cosi, where we sampled Mediterranean foods typical of those enjoyed in Spain. During the fall semester, we held an academic event in which teacher-education students could practice for the Spanish Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). This is a challenging oral examination in Spanish that all foreign language teacher candidates must excel in. Therefore, we brought in a professor who also acts as a grader for this exam to present helpful information and tips for the students. They also had designated time to practice individually.
We also began two new ongoing practices this academic year. Each month, the executive board asked an outstanding member of our local chapter to write about their experiences (at home and abroad) in which they utilized their Spanish.